You can get plenty health benefits from the tamarillo fruit which you can consume as parts of your daily diet. Tamarillo Fruit is from the Solanaceae family of plants. This fruit contains various nutrient and minerals which will gives you a lot of benefits that we have listed here.
15 Health Benefits of Tamarillo Fruit
1. Fiber

As any other fruit or vegetable, the first health benefits of tamarillo fruit that you will find is because of the fiber content. This fruit is rich in fiber content that is why it’s recommended for you to consume this fruit daily. Inside a portion of this fruit which is around 100 gram, you can find 3.3 gram of dietary fiber inside. This dietary fiber is needed inside your food every day, so you can try to consume tamarillo fruit to fulfill your daily dietary fiber need.
This fiber is very important for your health as it can promote your digestion to run better. If your digestion runs better, this means the food that enters your digestion system will be digested thoroughly. The nutrient inside that food will also be absorbed well by the digestion system so you will get the maximum benefit from the food that you consume. The fiber inside the tamarillo fruit is also help to regulate your bowel movement which very important for your health. This will also help to prevent constipation from happening which usually happen because you do not eat enough fiber.
2. Tonsilitis
This problem occurs on the tonsil or lymph node which located inside your mouth. When the problem occurs the lymph node becomes inflamed because of various things. First is because of infection that is caused by bacterial attack. And second is when there is a problem within the lymphatic node. If you do not want to consume chemical medicine to treat this problem, then you can try to consume tamarillo fruit as the herbal solution. This fruit is actually already used in Colombia since a long time ago as herbal medicine in treating tonsilitis.
3. Weight control
Other health benefits of tamarillo fruit that you can get from the fiber content that it has are to support your diet. If you are having trouble maintaining what you eat as you constantly feeling hungry which makes you snacking the whole day, then this means your food does not contained enough fiber. Thus you can try to add more fiber in your food by adding this tamarillo fruit into your menu.
The fiber inside this tamarillo fruit will be able to add some bulk into your stomach. This means you will be fuller after you eat your food which filled with the fiber from this fruit. Thus you would not constantly feeling hungry the whole day and you would be eating less to no snack at all. This means, it will be easier for you to maintain your weight the way you want it to be. Of course, you will also need to do some exercise to reduce the weight that you already have right now.
4. Cholesterol
Another benefit that you can get from the fiber content inside this tamarillo fruit is that, it can also be used to control your cholesterol level. The fiber will absorb the fat inside your food so you would not absorb it into your body, then it will throw away the fat through the feces. Those fat is actually the one that adding bad cholesterol inside your blood. Thus it’s important for you to not absorbed the fat and throw it away from your body. By consuming this fruit, then you will be able to control your cholesterol absorption easier.
5. Antioxidant
The best health benefits of tamarillo fruit that you can get is from the antioxidant content that this fruit has. This fruit has very high antioxidant level which is 1659 in every 100 gram of the fresh tamarillo fruit according to its ORAC value. The reason why; this fruit has very high antioxidant level is because they have many pigment substance which also work as antioxidant such as athocyanins, chlorogenic acid, poplyphenolic, as well as flavonoid.
Antioxidant itself is very useful for your body as its job is to get rid of free radicals from your body. Free radicals are substance that enters your body from various things such as pollution in the air which comes from vehicle and factory smokes, free radicals inside junk food, and many others. The free radicals if enters your body, it’s able to damage your cell and altering your DNA. In time, it’s also able to trigger disease cell growth inside your body. And the only thing that can counter them is antioxidant. That is why it’s recommended for you to consume tamarillo fruit which filled with antioxidant regularly.
6. Immune
You should know that consuming tamarillo fruit is also able to help making your immune system more effective. The reason is because this fruit contains high amount of vitamin C which can help your immune system to work effectively against various disease. Additionally this fruit also contains antioxidant which helps your immune system in fighting free radicals. So your body will become healthier as the immune system work effectively against all disease and substance that enters and attack your body if you consume this fruit regularly.
7. Diabetes
If you have diabetes, then you surely want to take advantage of these next health benefits of tamarillo fruit. As you know people with diabetes, need to watch everything that they eat as the food can increase their blood sugar level dramatically right after consumption. That is why it’s advised to people with diabetes to consume only food with low GI. And one of the foods with low GI that is recommended to consume by people with diabetes is this tamarillo fruit.
Additionally, consuming the tamarillo fruit really gives a lot of benefits to people with diabetes as it can help to lower the level of your blood sugar. Especially since this fruit contains chlorogenic acid which also act as inhibitor for diabetes reaction inside your body. It is also able to increase the sensibility of insulin inside your blood so the level of blood sugar can be controlled easily. Thus if you want to be able to control the progression of diabetes that you have or you may developed especially the type 2, then try to consume tamarillo fruit regularly.
8. Rejuvenation
Inside this tamarillo fruit, there are essential amino acid as well as complex protein which needed by your body cell. Those nutrients are important in the rejuvenation process of the cell especially those on your organs. By using those nutrients, then your organ can build new cells easier. It will also help you to speed up the healing of damaged cell.
9. Vitamin A
You may already know about this next health benefits of tamarillo fruit from the color of the fruit itself. As you know this fruit has orange reddish color because of the caratenoids content, and it’s surely also contains a lot of vitamin A. This vitamin is very useful for your eyes. Not only it’s useful to keep your eyes healthy, but it’s also able to protect your eyes from getting damaged. Consuming vitamin A will help you to prevent any problem in your eyes that may happen because of aging such as cataract and even macular degeneration. That is why you may want to consume this tamarillo fruit regularly to keep the health of your vision.
10. Vitamin B
Complex vitamin Bs are the one creates various health benefits of tamarillo fruit that you can get after consuming this fruit. These vitamins B are actually very important for your health as they are useful for various things inside your body. They are also used in the making process of several metabolism enzymes inside your body. Those enzymes are useful in the digestion process of the food that you eat. Thus by using those enzymes your body will be able to absorb the nutrient from the food well. This also means that you will get more energy from the nutrient that absorbed by your body. Thus if you want to gain more energy and enough vitamin to help your body create the energy, try to consume tamarillo fruit as part of your healthy diet.
11. Brain
The antioxidant that is found inside tamarillo fruit also very useful for your brain as it can help to protect your brain from damage especially on the nerves system. Thus it can be used to prevent various brain related disease such as Parkinson and even Alzheimer.
12. Potassium
Potassium gives a lot of health benefits of tamarillo fruit, especially for those that have some problem with their hearts condition. In fact the amount of potassium that you can get from this fruit is quite a lot. Inside every portion of this fruit which is around 100 grams, you can get around of potassium. This nutrient is very important to be had in your daily meal, so you should try to add tamarillo fruit in your daily meal menu.
The potassium itself is useful for various things which related to your heart condition. First it’s useful to regulate your heartbeat, that is why if you are lacking potassium nutrient in your body, then your heartbeat will not become normal. Additionally, the potassium also helps to regulate your blood pressure, which is essential to people with hypertension. Having blood pressure which is too high will create more risk in your heart which can lead to various heart problems in the future. That is why it’s important to keep normal blood pressure, to maintain your heart condition. And one of the ways that you can use to do it’s by consuming tamarillo fruit.
13. Atherosclerosis
Besides maintaining regular heartbeat as well as good blood pressure, consuming tamarillo fruit is also able to help you preventing atherosclerosis. This problem occurs when your arteries are thicken because of the buildup which created by cholesterol that attached into the arteries wall. That is why to prevent this disease from happening, and then you need to prevent cholesterol from buildup in the arteries wall. Consuming tamarillo fruit can help you to reduce the cholesterol which absorbed by your body. Thus you can prevent atherosclerosis when you consume this fruit regularly.
14. Anemia
If you have anemia, then you should try to add tamarillo fruit into your daily menu as the health benefits of tamarillo fruit can help to treat this problem. Anemia occurs if your body does not get enough oxygen delivered to them. That usually happens because there is not enough red blood inside your body which used to deliver the oxygen throughout your entire body. However, consuming tamarillo fruit will help to cope with this problem easily.
Inside the tamarillo fruit there are iron content which needed by your body in creating the red blood. Thus when you consume this fruit, then your body will be able to create red blood which then used in delivering the oxygen throughout your entire body as needed. So you would not lack of oxygen anymore and would not experience anemia anymore. Of course, regular consumption is advisable as your body will need the iron content regularly.
15. Skin
If you want to know about the health benefits of tamarillo fruit for skin, then we will discuss about this right away. This fruit contains a lot of nutrient which needed by your skin to become healthier. First, this fruit contains high amount of vitamin C which able to maintain the health of your skin. it’s also able to make your skin stays firm and tight. Secondly, this fruit also contains high amount of vitamin E which needed to make your skin stays young and bright. This vitamin is able to increase the production of collagens which needed by your skin to fight aging.
Those are several health benefits of tamarillo fruit that you can get when consuming this fruit. If you want to get most of the benefits, then it’s recommended for you to consume tamarillo fruit regularly.