Kokum is one of the fruits that includes in mangosteen family. Not only unique but apparently there also several health benefits of kokum. Therefore, the fruit is common to consume in India country. Additionally, kokum also considers as quite famous in the culinary world in India country. A lot of people in India using this fruit as the base ingredients when making sorbet or kinds of squash during the hot summer day.
Since the fruit not only taste well and look fresh but also bring some health advantages, people in other countries interesting to consume the fruit too. Therefore, India starts to export the fruit and even some people try to cultivate the tree outside India country to help with the increasing demand for it. Even though there are more than 200 species of kokum spread out around Asia and Africa, it looks like that number is not occupied all the demands in the pharmaceutical nor the skincare industries that use kokum as their ingredients.
Health Benefits of Kokum
One of the surprising facts that recently known by most of India people, is that kokum is not only a great taste of beverages during summer time. It is found that the nutrient content inside the fruit benefit for the health and help with various symptoms. Therefore, many people get more interesting to try consuming the fruit, mainly taste the kokum squash which now is quite famous. While for the specific health benefits of kokum are listed in below points for an overview.
1. High Anti-Oxidant
Kokum is listed as one of the fruits with high anti-oxidant content. Therefore, this fruit will benefit to avoid the free radical effects, mainly due to environmental pollution that comes from the vehicle. Through a better anti-oxidant content, it also helps to avoid the possibility of experience disease and live in healthier condition.
2. Natural Anti-Aging
The anti-oxidant agent is not only good to avoid free radical, in another way the health benefits of kokum including to act as a natural anti-aging. Therefore, consume kokum will help to maintain the skin appearance, avoid the effects of UV light into the skin face, and make the full looking becomes younger. This is why kokum also good for the base ingredients in the skincare world. Where using the fruit in the skin will hope to avoid early aging signs such as wrinkles and fine line.
3. Provide Nutrients
Another health benefit of kokum including the content onside the fruit that rich in vitamins and minerals. Therefore, consuming the fruit can help to supply several important nutrients to the body. This also a way to make the body feel better all the time. Including the content of vitamin C and E that lead to a better body health and away from further diseases.
4. Contain Fiber
The same way as many other fruits, kokum also noted to have quite a lot of fiber content. Therefore, it can help to supply the needs of fiber for the body system. Especially for the digestive system which regularly needs supports from the fiber to run well.
5. Improve Digestive
As mention above that the fiber can help to optimize the digestive system. Therefore, the health benefit of kokum also to improve intestinal bowel movement to lead a fasten digest. Hence, the body will not experience any digestive difficulties and lead to a better digest every day.
6. Avoid Constipation
Another amazing health benefits of kokum is also to help avoid any constipation. As some people might experience upset stomach and feel more gas inside the stomach. Through consume the fruit, the gas will be absorbed well and eliminated in a natural way. This is the mechanism where constipation will also able to reduce. The fiber content will help to push an optimal digestive and lead to a better metabolism. Hence, it will be a great remedy for constipation problems.
7. Better Metabolism
As mentioned previously that the health benefits of kokum including to lead a better body metabolism. Therefore, through the fruit, body metabolic system will increase and optimize too. It will tighten up more oxygen to come inside the body and process the food faster into the needed energy. This is why kokum will be good to provide enough energy for doing some activities.
8. Support Weight Loss
When the body experiences a better digestive system and metabolic rate, it means the body will absorb more nutrient and avoid any fat forming. Therefore, it’s one of the body mechanisms in a natural way to maintain the weight. This is why the fruit also good to manage with weight loss.
9. Anti-Inflammation
Other amazing benefits of consuming the fruit including to help as an anti-inflammation. Therefore, it’s good to help with avoiding any joint inflammation, reduce any a sore throat or help with the skin inflammation. This makes the fruit also effective to deal with acne or eczema. This will lead to a better skin health and lead to a fasten inflammation cure.
10. Avoid Hyperacidity
Some people might find to have symptoms of hyperacidity. Through having kokum fruit regularly, it can help to reduce the symptoms. Additionally, kokum will manage the acidity level inside the body and produce more wellness.
11. Relief Allergy
When experience rash or redness skin, using the fruit over the top of the rash will help to soothe the symptoms. Therefore, one of the benefits of this fruit including to deal with allergy and help to a fasten relief from itchiness.
12. Improve PMS
Kokum also one of the good fruits to help with any PMS syndrome. As many women feelings menstrual cramp or a headache during PMS, consume kokum will help to bring a better condition. Additionally, the cool sensation inside the stomach after consuming the fruit will lead to the stomach calmness during PMS. This is why kokum squash is suggested to consume while having some hard PMS syndrome.
13. Smoother Skin
The vitamin E inside the fruit is one of the leading contents which result in a smoother and softer texture of the skin. The same way mangosteen will help to produce a better skin surface condition, kokum as one of the families with mangosteen, can help to produce the same effect. This makes kokum is one of the good ingredients for skincare industries. Additionally, it’s known to find as the base ingredients in hand lotion and other similar skin care products.
14. Hair Treatment
Other unexpected benefits of the fruit also to help with the hair treatment. Therefore, people who experience hair loss or any brittle hair can try to use the fruit as a natural shampoo that will help to strengthen the hair. Additionally, it can help to darkener the hair color and maintain a healthy shiny look too.
15. Cracked Heels

It is an amazing thing to find out that kokum also great to deal with any cracked heels. The nutrient content which apparently good for the skin health will help to remedy the heels and stimulate the forming of new skin cell. This is why apply the kokum over the heels frequently will lead to a smoother surface of the cracked heels and lead to a faster recovery.
Side Effects of Kokum
Even there are some health benefits of kokum, the fruit also has some side effects. Since it needs to be a concern, therefore, before consuming the fruit it will be better to check first on below cautions:
- Pay cautions in case of experience any itchiness, redness skin or even swollen parts of the body. Since it might bring a signal that the body is allergy to the fruit. Therefore, try to consume in small amount first to avoid any allergically condition while consume or holding the fruit.
- The pregnant woman shall avoid consuming the fruit before consult with the caregiver. Whether it might danger the fetus or not. It is better to avoid rather than keep perform it but with some effects on the fetus or baby.
- Never consume the fruit together with milk or other dairy products. Since the effects may not be good for the body system. The sour taste of kokum fruit may lead to a negative effect of the gut. Therefore, make sure to avoid this thing to happen and consume kokum separately.
How to Avoid the Side Effects of Kokum
Since the fruit possible to bring some side effects, it’s better to optimally gain the health benefits of kokum but in the other way try to eliminate the side effects. Therefore, it’s suggested that during consuming the fruit, it’s better to do several below points:
– It is better to avoid consuming the fruit if find any allergically symptoms every time consume the fruits. Mostly if the allergically symptoms happen suddenly after consuming the fruit.
– It is suggested to avoid consume kokum and milk at the same time. If needed, make sure to have some time or a break after consuming the fruit and plan to drink the milk. At least make sure to have a one-hour difference of gap between consume kokum and the milk.
– In case diagnose with high BP, it’s better to avoid consuming kokum to avoid possible higher levels of acidity inside the body. Through avoid consume the fruit, then the health can be managed including the acidity level inside the body.
Those all the health benefits of kokum and possible side effects that can also happen. Therefore, always make sure to consume in proper portions. Additionally, it’s better to always discuss with the doctor first before deciding to have the treatment. Otherwise, it wouldn’t bring the expected benefit but will bring more health problems. Through a wise way of consuming the fruit, it can help to bring several advantages and manage to keep the wellness. Have it a try!