Sugarcane juice simply screams deliciousness. With its super sweet flavor, it’s made from the extract of crushed sugarcane.
Cool part? It’s not just a treat to the taste buds, but it’s also packed with health benefits. So, how about adding a glass of sugarcane juice to your diet once in a while? Sounds like a great idea!
You’ll find sugarcane being grown in huge quantities in places like Asia and Latin America. Why? Well, to meet the demands of sugar factories.
But here’s the thing, sugarcane isn’t just for sugar factories. People noticed that it makes for a pretty delicious and refreshing drink too, and fast forward to today, it’s grown almost everywhere in these regions.
And now, get this: the health benefits of sugarcane juice have turned it into a hit street food drink. How awesome is that? Consequently, you’ll find sugarcane juice being sold at street corners in various countries, from Indonesia to Vietnam. It’s super easy to get hold of this sweet, health-packed beverage!
Surprising Facts of Sugarcane Juice
There’s more to sugarcane than meets the eye, and not everyone knows about it. Yep, our sugarcane, and even the juice it makes, has some pretty exciting trivia attached to it. Ready to dive in? Here’s a sneak peek into some of these amazing facts.
– Surprise! Sugarcane, as sweet as it tastes, is actually made up of 100% natural water, with just a 30% dash of natural sugar. So next time you’re guzzling down that sugarcane juice, hold off on the extra sugar. It’s sweet enough just the way it is.
– The fancy Latin name for sugarcane? Saccharum officinarum. It’s part of the saccharum family, which has about 36 different varieties around the globe. So, depending on the climate and soil, you’ll probably find different types of sugarcane in different countries.
– Fun history fact time! Christopher Columbus was the first to plant sugarcane in the Caribbean in 1493, of all places. And look where we are now – sugarcane is grown and loved all around the world.
– Sugar haters, rejoice! A glass of sugarcane juice only has about 15 calories. Yes, you heard it right. That means you can enjoy your sugarcane juice without worrying about it turning into fat.
– The sugarcane plant can reach sky high heights of up to 30 feet! And it won’t stop growing until about 24 months after it’s planted. So yes, it has quite a bit of growing up to do.
– Last but not least, the sugar in sugarcane mainly comes in the forms of sucrose and fructose, with just a touch of glucose. Sweet and simple!
Sugarcane Juice Recipe
If want to try making a homemade sugarcane juice, here’s a simple recipe.
- 1 sugarcane
- 1 piece of ginger
- 1 piece of lime
- Take the sugarcane, peel the skin and chop it to several pieces at the beginning.
- Put the chopped sugarcane inside the blender and add the ginger inside it too.
- Blend both ingredients together and make a puree. Therefore, do not add any water to it.
- Then extract the juice using hands to separate the water with the pulp.
- Strain this extract and add a squish of lime.
- Chill this mixture for several hours in the refrigerator.
- Serve it cold and taste the freshness.
Sugarcane Juice Health Benefits
As mention previously, there are several health benefits of drinking sugarcane juice.
1. Add Energy
Sugarcane is a powerhouse packed with carbohydrates and glucose. So what happens when you sip on sugarcane juice? Well, you’ll be fueling up with plenty of power and energy to keep you going through all your daily tasks. Neat, right? It also makes the perfect drink for snack time.
The calories in this drink will keep you powered up and ready for action for hours on end. Plus, it’s loaded with water, which means it’s a great way to stay hydrated and beat exhaustion. You know, for those super sunny days when you feel dehydrated, and everything just seems like a chore. Yeah, a burst of energy and hydration from the sugarcane juice is the perfect remedy for those times.
2. Improve Digestion
Sugarcane contains beneficial amounts of fiber. This is why this plant is suitable to help to improve the intestinal bowel movement and support with a healthier digestive system.
Through this fiber content, it will lead the body to produce a fasten digest and including optimize nutrient absorption to the entire body system. Mainly to the pregnant woman who experiences difficulties in their digestive system during pregnancy. The work of the fiber will bring a better digestive process including to balance the digestive hormone.
3. Optimize Metabolism
Other advantages of consuming this juice also to help with a better body metabolism system. This is the mechanism where the nutrient inside sugarcane juice will lead the body system to tight more oxygen level and work to process the food to the needed energy as optimum as it can.
Therefore, in another side, it will lead to a faster metabolic rate and help to optimize absorb vitamins and minerals too. Hence, sugarcane juice is good to maintain the wellness.
4. Immune Booster
The next health benefits of drinking sugarcane juice including to improve the immune system. The sugarcane known contain some numbers of vitamin C that is good to keep wellness and health. This is because vitamin C can optimize the body immune system.
Therefore, consume sugarcane juice is another way to keep a healthier body system that away from virus or infection. It will act as an anti-bacterium that build body wellness and strength the body too.
5. Avoid Fever

So sugarcane boosting your immune system, what does that mean?
Well, in simpler terms, it means that sugarcane juice is great for taking on infections and diseases. Think of it as your tasty little health warrior. So, if you’re feeling feverish symptoms, like fatigue hitting you like a truck, grabbing a glass of sugarcane juice could be a great idea.
Downing this natural sweet drink can help your body feel rejuvenated and maintain your overall health. It can help keep feverish symptoms at bay and ward off any signs of sickness or infection.
More awesome news? It can help get rid of, and speed up recovery from, symptoms like a cough, nausea, and even fever. So next time you’re under the weather, you know what to drink!
6. Relief Sore Throat
The next health benefits of drinking sugarcane juice are to help to relieve the sore throat. The capability of this drink to improving the immunity will lead the body to a fasten relief. Additionally, it also has an anti-inflammation that will work to soothe the redness throat and eliminate the pain. Therefore, consume a fresh sugarcane juice will treat a sore throat better.
7. Detoxification
Consume sugarcane can be another natural way to bring body detoxification. Therefore, no wonder if some people believe its capability in helping to flush out all the absorb toxin to the body. Through this detoxification capability, it can lead to a freshness body and help to renew and balancing body hormonal too. Since every day our body will receive the harmful effect of the pollutant or free radicals. Hence, detoxification will always be needed to bring a healthier body system.
8. Improve Liver Function
As the juice work effectively to detox the body, it’s another way to bring capability of improving the liver function. Since the liver is a part of human body that works to eliminate any toxin and poison from the body. However, sometimes the liver might work too hard to performing its job.
Though having a glass of sugarcane juice daily in the morning, it can help to bring the liver work lighter and optimize the toxin flushed process. Additionally, it also helps for those who get jaundice symptoms. Many people believe that sugarcane juice will help to reduce the symptoms and lead to a faster cure of the body.
9. Treats Acidity
People might not aware that consume sugarcane juice will help to treats acidity. Mainly for those that experience any digestive or stomach problems. This is usually happening to a pregnant woman or to some people with heartburn signs.
It is believed that the sugarcane gives effects to cooling down the digestive and absorb the excess gas inside the stomach. Hence, it can lead to a relaxing digestive and help to avoid further heartburn symptoms.
10. Avoid Skin Inflammation
It is mention previously that the sugarcane juice contains an anti-inflammatory agent. Therefore, this also will help to work avoiding skin inflammation. It can manage to keep a healthier skin condition by avoiding and treat the skin inflammation diseases such as eczema symptoms. It will reduce the redness, soothe the pain and lead to a fasten cure too.
11. Avoid Acne
As the sugarcane juice is good to avoid skin inflammation, the health benefits of drinking sugarcane juice including to avoid any acne symptoms. Since acne usually comes from a form of skin inflame area. Hence, through the vitamin E inside the sugarcane, it will improve a healthier skin condition and protect the skin surface from acne possibility. This is why the sugarcane juice also good for a face mask in some beauty clinics.
12. Anti-Aging
You ready for another surprising sugarcane juice fun fact? It also doubles as an antioxidant! Yeah, you heard that right. This healthful beverage has the power to fight off free radicals and flush out harmful pollutants from your body. But that’s not all, folks!
This antioxidant superpower also amps up its anti-aging game. That’s right, sugarcane juice can help keep those early aging signs at bay. So, if you’re worried about wrinkles or fine lines showing up uninvited, a glass of sugarcane juice might just be your new secret weapon!
The result? A youthful look and radiant skin that’ll make everyone jealous. Pretty cool for a humble cane stalk, isn’t it?
13. Moisture the Skin

Who knew that sugarcane juice was more than just your average sweet refreshment? That’s right, it’s also a mega-hydrator! Its natural water content is brimming to the top, and this can do wonders for your skin by maintaining its moisture levels and keeping dryness at bay.
But wait, there’s more! This hydration doesn’t just quench your skin’s thirst, it also bestows a youthful glow and even a bit of a blush to your cheeks. So, it’s not just good for your health, but it’s like a natural beauty potion too!
And the best part about sugarcane juice for your skin? It turns it softer! The antioxidants present in the juice are like skincare specialists. They put a lot of effort into improving skin conditions, combating dryness, and transforming your skin into the silkiest smooth version of itself. So, it’s official – sugarcane juice isn’t just a refreshing drink, but it might also be just the friend your skin has been waiting for!
Sugarcane Juice Risks
Even there are some health benefits of drinking sugarcane juice, apparently, there are some risks too. Therefore, if want to consume this juice, it’s suggested to check below recommendation first:
– Do not over consume this juice. It might be teasing to get more and more sugarcane juice during a hot summer day. But be careful of the sugar content inside this drink as it may increase the blood sugar level and increase the risk of getting diabetes symptoms.
– Make sure to use hygiene raw sugarcane. As it might contain bacteria that will cause stomach problem such as diarrhea. Therefore, rinse the sugarcane first before process it to a juice.
– Directly consume the fresh sugarcane juice. Do not let the juice exposed the air for hours. Since it can turn to stale juice and increase risks of stomach diseases or nausea.
– Beware of giving the juice to allergically people or for children. As it might produce allergically symptoms or even allergically cough. It is better to try first before serving in bigger portions.
Those are the health benefits of drinking sugarcane juice for health and skin. However, make sure to avoid the risks. Therefore, consume this juice wisely and make sure not over-consume. Through a proper consume portion of this juice, it will result in a good benefit and bring freshness in this summer season.
Happy sugarcane juicing!