People might hear that alum is one of the chemical compounds. But not all the people understand that apparently there are some specific benefits of alum for the health. This is an amazing fact that a single alum can react with other chemical and bring many advantages for several things. Therefore, no wonder if this compound is frequently used in treating the health mainly for the skin health.
History of Alum
Alum is a compound that comes from Europe. It has specific colorless and more to white color. Additionally, alum has been used since many years ago for various treatments. It has been known since ancient times, that alum can be used for several applications. But by the 20th century, this compound finds out benefit from medical perspective too.
Hence, alum is now produced in many countries and one of the quite easy compounds to get. As a double sulfate’s salt, this compound can bring many advantages in a various medical way. But to reach its optimum benefits, it can not stand as one single compound. Normally, it stands as a mixture with potassium and ammonium. Where the most common available mixture is the potassium aluminum sulfate that benefits for many things.
Health Benefits of Alum and How to Use
There are many health benefits and uses of alum. Therefore, make sure to get to know the benefits first, then apply it accordingly to the needs. For further specific benefits and uses of this compound, refer to the bullet points below:
1. Avoid Acne
One of the famous benefits of alum is to use as an anti-acne. Therefore, many acne medications also contain this compound to lead in a fasten acne relief. However, apparently this treatment also able to perform in the home. If interesting to try the treatment, see below way to uses alum to avoid acne in the skin.
- Mix one teaspoon of alum powder and egg white.
- Add some rose water into the mixture.
- Clean the face surface with water first.
- Apply the mixture to the face surface and wait for 15 minutes.
- Rinse the face with warm water and swipe slowly with a dry towel.
- For best result do this treatment 1-2 times in a week.
2. Anti-Bacteria
Another famous advantage of alum is to act as an anti-bacterium. This is the base why this compound is good for manage avoiding acne. The anti-bacteria capacity will lead to avoid germ infections into the skin and result in a healthier and better skin surface condition. To able using the alum as an anti-bacterial ingredient, it can apply as the previous way mentioned before. It is the same way as wearing this compound for acne fight. But for more specific use of the alum for other bacteria infection, refer to the next explanations below.
3. Astringent
Not only good as an anti-bacterium, the compound also good as an astringent too. Therefore, apply this product to the face area will help to manage a healthy skin face surface and avoid any skin infection too.
4. Avoid Inflammation
Other health benefits and uses of alum including to help as an anti-inflammation. Therefore, when experience with inflamed skin or body, the compound can be a good way to help with faster healing. Additionally, it also deals with the pain. To get this optimum benefit, do below lists of steps.
- If having a sore throat, mix some amount of alum powder with turmeric. Add some water then boil it. Turn off heat and let it cool for several minutes. Then consume it several times until the throat feels better. Other options are to gargle with this mixture every several hours.
- If having skin inflammation, mix the alum powder with rose water. Apply in the inflamed skin area 2-3 times daily. Do this until the inflamed area gets better. For the best benefit, it also mixes with a bath salt.
5. Body Odor

Alum also famous to help to deal with the body odor. Therefore, many perfume industry and deodorant fabric using the alum compound as an effective ingredient. Additionally, it also not an expensive compound. Therefore, it’s easy to make at home too. For more details on how to use the compound as the body deodorant, do the following steps:
- Get some amounts of alum blocks.
- Prewashed the arms area first.
- Apply it underarms directly.
- It also able to apply by mix with rose water.
- For the best result, always use it after a shower.
6. Wrinkles Appearance
Wearing alum as one of the best treatments for wrinkle appearance also a good choice. Therefore, it can be another way for those who wish to look younger naturally. To get with this benefit, easily follow some simple steps below:
- Have one alum blocks that usually can get in a medical store.
- Wet the alum blocks with water.
- Rub this wet block in the skin area that appears to wrinkles.
- Repeat this step for several times and do for several minutes.
- Rinse the face with warm water.
- Add additional serum or moisturizer that works to avoid the wrinkles.
- If wish to get the best result, do this treatment frequently until the face feels tight.
7. Cracked Heels
Other surprising benefits of alum also to help with cracked heels symptoms. It is common for us with high and intense walking activity to get this problem. But no worry at all, by using alum, this problem can be solved and the cracked heels can be smoother again. Below are some steps to follow if wish to deal with this problem.
- Get some small amounts of alum block.
- Heat it over the pan until crumble.
- Let it cool and then mix with coconut oil.
- Apply to the cracked heels area.
- Do this treatment several times until the cracked is missing and the heels feel smoother.
8. Eye Abscess
Alum also good to help with eye abscess. This is an uncomforted situation and leads to unwell activity. Therefore, to wish with fasten cure of eye abscess, do the flowing steps:
- Put on some alum paste over the eye abscess area.
- For optimum result add some alum blocks that rubbed with sandalwood.
- Apply this mixture several times until the eye abscess gets better.
9. Avoid Diarrhea
As mention previously, that alum is a good anti-bacterium agent that lead to avoiding several infections. One of the benefits including to avoid the possibility of experience diarrhea. We are known that diarrhea happens due to bacterial infection that induces the stomach. Therefore, to deal with this matter, there are several things to perform if prefer to use alum as medicine or treatment. Below lists are the common ways.
- Roasted some small amounts of alum powder.
- Mix this roasted alum powder with warm water.
- Add on honey or lemon for a better taste.
- Consume the mixture until the diarrhea is top.
- Avoid consuming the mixture frequently as it might danger the health.
10. Digestive Treatment
Alum also can work to help with any digestive problems. Therefore, they who experience any stomach gasses or heartburn also can be treated with this compound. Do the same ways of making alum mixture for diarrhea. Remember to consume the treatment only until the digestive feels better. If the digestive system has run normally again, stop consuming the alum mixture. Since this mixture is not for daily treatment to avoid the sickness, but more to one-time treatment that works to cure the illness.
11. Treat Bleeding
Alum also good to deal with injuries. When any injuries happen and lead to unstopped bleeding, using alum compound will help to deal with it. There is a simple way to manage the bleeding away. Do the below list to reach this advantage:
- Get some alum powder and mix with small amount of water.
- Make a thick paste from those mixtures to help an easier application around the wound.
- Rinse the wound with clean water first.
- Apply the mixture at the bleeding area and wait until the bleeding stop.
12. Skin Whitening
Another famous benefit of the compound is to use as a skin treatment. It has been known from many years ago that alum also benefits to result in a whitening skin. Additionally, it can help to clean the skin surface and help the skin pigment to get brighter. Therefore, it’s common for the skin clinic to use this compound as one of the important ingredients. If the query on how to produce a homemade alum lotion, see below list of points.
- Get some amounts of alum powder.
- Wet the alum powder with rose water or warm water.
- Apply to the skin surface 1-2 times daily by rubbing it all over the skin area.
- Let it for several minutes until it absorbed into the skin.
- Rinse the skin with warm water and dry with a towel.
- After several weeks, the skin can look more clear and brighter.
13. Smooth and Younger Skin
Not only good to whitening the skin, alum also good to produce a smooth and younger skin too. Therefore, this is a good ingredient to deal with a beautiful skin result. Additionally, it also a common treatment for those who wish a better skin health. Therefore, apply the alum mixture as mentioned previously to get the best smooth and younger skin appearance. Remember to limit the use of the alum to avoid unwanted effects.
14. Gums Treatment
Many people advise that alum also a good way to help with gums problems. Therefore, it’s common to use alum for gargle or to cure with any gums bleeding or injuries. To get this benefit, there are few steps that can be followed as listed in below points:
- Get some small amounts of alum powder.
- Boil some water and then turn off the heat and put on the powder.
- For better benefit mix it with a pinch of salt too.
- Use the strain of this mixture of alum powder, water, and salt to rinse the mouth.
- Gargle for several times.
- Do it until the swollen gum or irritated mouth gets better.
- This can be done for every several hours to fasten the relief.
15. Treat Hemorrhoid
Some people also mention that using alum will also work to help with hemorrhoid. In principle, hemorrhoids deal with less drinking and digestive problems. Therefore, if alum works for the digestive system, then it should be able to cure hemorrhoid too. Additionally, alum also good to deal with inflammation and swollen vein. Hence, it will work to soothe the hemorrhoid pain too. For more details step on this cure, follow below lists:
- Take some alum powder.
- Mix with warm water suggested mixing in a bathtub which consists of warm water.
- Sit on it for about 15 minutes until the pain is reduced and the swollen vein is shrinking.
- Repeat this activity 1-2 times daily until hemorrhoid over.
Side Effects of Alum
Even this compound has many advantages for the health, on the other side, it has several side effects too. However, these side effects are not categorized as highly dangerous. Therefore, it’s better to check below recommendation for further explanation on the possible effects when using alum.
- Alum is a single compound that recommended for external use only. Therefore, avoid to swallow this compound or use this as an internal remedy without further information.
- If needs to use alum as internal medication, make sure to know the compound combinations with other minerals. Such as consuming it as aluminum hydroxide, potassium aluminum phosphate or other safe-considered chemical compounds.
- A pregnant mother shall consult with the caregiver first before using this compound as a treatment since it might affect and endangered the fetus.
- Keep the compound in the safe place and reach out to children. Since it might endanger if swallowed by children and bring unwanted side effects.
- People with some medical treatment shall consult the doctor before applying this treatment to avoid any medical prescription interfere.
Through all the health benefits of alum, the skin can improve better every time. However, the cautions shall be an important thing too. Therefore, always use this compound in a proper way and avoid any possible dangerous.
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