
Chinese Herbs: Ancient Healing (Top 5)
The use of herbs in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is believed to be as ancient as China’s history itself, or ...

15 Ways Eating Lotus Seeds Boosts Your Health
Not many people in the West know that lotus flower is not only beautiful but also produces edible seeds. These ...

15 Health Benefits of Red Dragon Fruit
Have you ever heard of a dragon fruit? This mystical, legendary fruit should be on your list of exotic fruits ...

15 Health Benefits of Eating Deer Meat
Deer meat is probably not a common thing to eat around the world unless you are into hunting and eating ...

15 Most Powerful Health Benefits of Wild Rocket Leaves
Wild rocket leaves, also known as arugula, salad rocket, or rucola, is a Mediterranean green vegetable. The vegetable is a ...

15 Incredible Benefits of Cucumbers for Healthy and Beautiful Eyes
You have probably seen beauty tips that tell you to apply cucumber juice on your face. The cooling effects of ...

15 Surprising Health Benefits of Avocado Leaves
Avocado has been one of the most recent trendy superfoods, loved by many health and fitness enthusiasts all around the ...

15 Health Benefits of Guava Leaves with Natural Healing Properties
Guava is a famous tropical fruit with an interesting taste and high nutrient content. The fruit comes from a small ...

15 Health Benefits of Drinking Tequila
Alright, buckle up and let’s have a little fun with the health benefits of tequila. Now, I’m not advocating for ...

Essiac Tea [Top 15 Health Benefits]
Essiac tea is an herbal remedy originated in Canada which is promoted as a treatment for disease and other illnesses. ...

15 Most Popular Health Benefits of Black Seed Oil
Black seed oil, also known as black cumin seed oil or black coriander oil, comes from the seeds of Nigella ...

15 Health Benefits of Moringa That Makes It A Powerful Superfood
For thousands of years, humans have praised Moringa oleifera as a plant with a lot of health benefits. Today, moringa ...

15 Science-Backed Benefits of Neem Leaves for Your Health
Neem is the popular name of a tree native to India and widely cultivated in the Indian subcontinent, some parts ...

15 Health Benefits of Papaya Leaves You Should Know
Papaya, also known as papaw or pawpaw, is a tropical plant in the genus Carica that is originated in the ...

15 Magical Health Benefits of Ashitaba
Ashitaba plant has long been used as a plant-based homemade remedy by the people in Japan for hundreds of years. ...

Zinc Oxide [Top Benefits For Skin]
Zinc oxide is a mineral with a broad application, mostly used in the modern skincare industry to provide numerous benefits ...

15 Surprising Health Benefits of Urine Therapy
In this modern day where the environment exposes humans to free radicals and natural anomalies that deliver harmful impact to ...

15 Health Benefits of Mango Leaves
Mangoes are the fruits of the many species of trees belonging to the genus Mangifera. Besides found wildly growing in ...

15 Health Benefits of Bitter Leaf
The herb commonly known as the bitter leaf is a small tree that can grow up to 5 m. The ...

15 Health Benefits of Chicken Liver
The liver is not a popular part of a chicken in modern western cuisines. However, in many parts of the ...

15 Health Benefits of Basmati Rice
Rice is a staple food for people in many parts of the world. While some people would argue that rice ...

Sleeping Without A Pillow: 15 Surprising Health Benefits
Sleeping with a pillow and a probably bolster is the common norm around the world. Nobody seems to ever question ...

15 Health Benefits of Sleeping on The Floor
Have you ever slept on the floor, only with a thin sheet or carpet under you, without the luxury of ...

15 Health Benefits of Pandan Leaves
Pandan, also known as palm pine or screw pine, is a tropical plant with upright bright leaves and unique aroma. ...

15 Health Benefits of Quail Eggs
Quail eggs are eggs that are laid by the birds of various species that fall under the ‘quail’ term. The ...

15 Health Benefits of Drinking Guyabano Leaves Tea
Guyabano, also known as various local common names such as guanabana, graviola, pawpaw, mullaathaa, hanumanfal, and soursop, is a fruit-bearing ...

15 Surprising Health Benefits of Papaya Seeds
The sweet, soft, and succulent flesh of ripe papaya is enjoyed by many people around the world. It’s tasty enough ...

15 Health Benefits of Yucca Roots
Yucca root, also known by other names such as soapweed, Joshua Tree, needle palm, Guardian of the Desert, Spanish Bayonet, ...

15 Health Benefits Of Sleeping Without Underwear
There is no human being that can survive without getting regular proper sleep in the night. Sleeping well is essential ...

15 Health Benefits of The NoFap Challenge
Masturbation and porn are two sides of a coin. Since men are wired to be a visually stimulated-creature, watching porn ...

15 Health Benefits of Drinking Malunggay Leaves Tea (Moringa)
Malunggay or Moringa oleifera is a drought-resistant tree endemic to northwestern India, Pakistan, and Nepal. The tree, also commonly known ...

15 Surprising Health Benefits of Soursop Leaves
Soursop, also called graviola, is a tropical fruit widely found in Central America, Southeast Asia, the Caribbean, and Africa. The ...