15 Health Benefits of Paw Paw Leaves


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I personally recommend Chaga Organic Extract Powder from Lost Empire Herbs based on its superior quality and value. It promotes an overwhelming sense of vitality, positivity, wellbeing, longevity and energy and is crucial for digestive health and inflammation response. No wonder it's called The King of Mushrooms!

There are plenty health benefits of paw paw leaves that you can get since these leaves contain various active component inside. It is very easy to get the benefit as most of the time you only need to create tea using these leaves. To make the tea, you can take 10 of the leaves, and then boil it inside water in half gallon measurement so it will reduce to a quart measurement. Let it cool then put it inside your refrigerator for two days minimum before serving it.

15 Health Benefits of Paw Paw Leaves

Now let us see the health benefits that you can get when consuming it.

1. Gluten

If you are intolerant to gluten, then you should not have to worry as health benefits of paw paw leaves will help you with this problem. People who are allergic to gluten should not eat food that contains gluten as it will give bad effect to their body. However, sometimes it’s very hard to consume food without gluten even though you already being very careful about it. Some contamination can happen not only on the ingredients used to create the food but also on the tools used to create the food itself. This makes you can eat the gluten accidentally since it’s contained inside a supposedly gluten free food.

If you are accidentally eaten gluten or some food that is contaminated with gluten, then you should try to consume paw paw leaves immediately. The substance inside this leaves will help your body to break down the gluten so the effect can be minimized. It will also help to digest the gluten faster as people who are intolerant to gluten usually cannot digest the gluten well. To ensure there is no accidental effect from the gluten food, then you can try to regularly eat the paw pay leaves.

2. Detoxification

If you accidentally consume other toxin or you eat too many junk foods, then you may want to do detoxification for your body once in a while. These paw paw leaves have diuretic properties which can help you to remove toxin from your body which will be release through the urine.

3. Digestion

The health benefits of paw paw leaves really useful for your digestion and not only to digest gluten food but also for every food that you eat. The reason is because these leaves contain a lot of nutrient which can help your gastrointestinal track. First these leaves karpain which is a substance that is useful to remove bacteria inside your digestion tract that can cause stomach growl. The most important things might be because these leaves contain papain, amylase enzyme as well as protease enzyme, which able to help your digestion tract to metabolize carbohydrate and protein by breaking them down.

Those enzyme and nutrient are important as it can help your digestion system to digest the food correctly. That is why they are also able to prevent acid reflux from happening. This problem may happen from various reasons, one of them is overeating as your digestion system have not finish digesting the food that you ate earlier, but you already add more food inside the system. With the enzymes which mention before, your digestion system can digest the food faster thus there would not be any acid reflux accident. However, this does not mean you can overeat after consuming the paw paw leaves.

4. Bones

This paw paw leaves also contains great amount of calcium inside. It also contains magnesium as well as potassium which all are important for developing healthy bones.

5. Disease

You can get the best health benefits of paw paw leaves since these leaves can be used as treatment for disease. The reason is because these leaves contain acetogenin which has anti disease properties. In fact these properties have already been tested by various researchers all over the world. One of the researches is done in Japan, where they give tea made from paw paw leaves to disease patients over some period of time. And the result shows amazing benefit to the disease patients that consume this tea.

Additionally, unlike any other disease treatment that is available today, consuming paw paw leaves as tea for disease treatment does not give any negative effect to your body. Florida University already suggest that this treatment using paw paw leaves is effective for various types of disease such as lung, liver, breast, prostate and even cervix disease.

This paw paw leaves treatment also suggested to be done by people who are under chemotherapy treatment. Especially since it also help to in reducing the side effect of chemotherapy as well as increasing your body immune system respond to the disease cells.

6. Prostate

Still related to the previous health benefits of paw paw leaves, and then consuming these leaves also useful for your prostate. As it has anti disease properties, it’s also able to prevent enlargement that sometimes happen in the prostate.

It can help to treat benign tumor as well as rectal lesion which often associate with this problem. To get the maximum effect, you may want to consume paw paw leaves as tea regularly.

7. Acne

Some of you might want to get these next health benefits of paw paw leaves for skin. Especially since these leaves can be used to treat acne. The use of paw paw leaves as well as fruit for skin is already popular especially in Asian country and the tropical country from which this plant is originate. You can try to use paw paw leaves as skin mask to treat your acne.

What you need to do is to take a handful of paw paw leaves. Wash them clean then put them inside a blender. Add some water but not too much, only enough so the blender can blend the leaves. It should be in paste consistency so you can apply the mask directly into your face. Use this mask regularly twice a week to get the best result.

8. Blood clothing

If you have some trouble with blood clothing, then these next health benefits of paw paw leaves will really help you with this problem. There are various factors that affect the blood clothing process. And when the process is disturbed because one or more component cannot be fulfill, then your blood cannot clump as soon as possible. When that happens, then the bleeding cannot be stopped which may become dangerous if the wound is large since you may lost a lot of blood.

One of the factors that affect the blood clothing process is the thrombocytes which is a component used in this process. The paw paw leaves has ability to increase the number of thrombocytes inside your blood. This will really help the blood clothing process to happen normally as it should be. So if you have any trouble or if you have low number of thrombocytes, then you may want to consume these paw paw leaves to treat the problem effectively.

9. Eyes

Similar to the fruit, the paw paw leaves also contains beta-carotene which is another form of vitamin A that is important for your eyes. It will be able to make your eyes become healthier as well as preventing various problem or diseases on your eyes in the future. It is advisable for you to consume paw paw leaves regularly.

10. Menstrual Pain PMS

For girls, menstrual pain is really disturbing. Especially if it’s very painful which makes them cannot do anything because of the pain. That is why sometimes you drink some medicine to reduce the pain so you can do any activity as you normally would. However, drinking chemical medicine regularly every month is not a good thing to do. Not to mention other negative side effect that may come after consuming that chemical medicine. That is why it’s better for you to consume herbal medicine instead as the herbal medicine has very minimum to no side effect to your body. And the herbal medicine that you can consume is created using these paw paw leaves.

All you need to do is to take six paw paw leaves then put them inside a pan. Add one liter of water then boil this mixture for about 15 minutes. You can also add salt as well as tamarind to make the mixture taste better. Or you can try to mix this mixture with any fruit or vegetable juice that you like. Wait until the water has cold down then you can try to drink the mixture three times every day until the PMS pain disappears.

11. Viral Infection

Inside these leaves you can find various vitamins such as E, A and C. these vitamins are able to help your body to fight effect from viral infection which can cause various disease such as cold. You may also consume these leaves regularly to prevent the infection from coming into your body.

12. Malaria and Dengue Fever

These next health benefits of paw paw leaves had been used since a long time ago especially in tropical country where malaria and dengue fever attacks. Even in our modern world, the malaria and dengue fever is still become dangerous disease which threaten lives of many people. Additionally, most of the time these diseases happen on third world countries where there are limited medical help that can be used to treat the diseases.

That is why people from those countries try to search herbal medicine that they can use to treat these lethal diseases. And the answer lies on paw paw leaves which can be used to lower the body temperature on people with malaria and dengue fever. But it does not only good to treat those two diseases since it can also be used to lower the body temperature on less damaging diseases such as cold or influenza.

13. Emphysema & COPD

People who have emphysema really need to use the health benefits of paw paw leaves. Especially since these leaves have high amount of vitamin D content this can be used to prevent the disease from happening. People who have emphysema usually have short breath but with the help of vitamin D, damage in the lungs can be prevented.

14. Karpain

There is a unique component inside the paw paw leaves that you should get which is the karpain. This component is actually an active component which can help to remove microorganism from your body such as fungi, bacteria, worm and even parasites. Thus it can be used to clean your body especially skin from various skin problems such as acne and even eczema.

It may also help to treat opened wound so it would not become infected. It is also able to help in softening the skin which affected with wart, corn or hardened skin tissue. Besides the skin, this component is also great as treatment for your hair as it can make your hair become stronger, shiny and soft. This component is able to get rid of dandruff problem, oil as well as dirt from your hair. That is why many hair treatments often contain paw paw leaves inside their ingredients.

15. Diabetes

Other best health benefits of paw paw leaves are from the usage of this leaves to treat diabetes. Especially since this leaves can increase the insulin sensitivity inside your blood as well as reducing AST and ALT. Additionally the antioxidant inside these leaves can help to reduce the effect of complication that often experienced by people with diabetes.

With many great properties, these leaves also help to make the wound healing faster which sometimes becomes a huge issue on people with diabetes.

Those are several health benefits of paw paw leaves that you can get from consuming this nutritious and useful leaves. This leaves can be used to prevent various disease as well as treatment to many lethal diseases such as diabetes, malaria, dengue fever and even disease. This show that the leaves are indeed very powerful as it contains various active components inside. So try to consume these leaves as often as you can.

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I personally recommend Chaga Organic Extract Powder from Lost Empire Herbs based on its superior quality and value. It promotes an overwhelming sense of vitality, positivity, wellbeing, longevity and energy and is crucial for digestive health and inflammation response.

No wonder it's called The King of Mushrooms!

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