15 Health Benefits of Kamias Plant for Herbal Medicine


I personally recommend Chaga Organic Extract Powder from Lost Empire Herbs based on its superior quality and value. It promotes an overwhelming sense of vitality, positivity, wellbeing, longevity and energy and is crucial for digestive health and inflammation response. No wonder it's called The King of Mushrooms!

Actually you can get many health benefits of kamias since this plant is often used as herbal medicine. Here are some of the benefits that you can get.

1. Acne

From a lot of health benefits of kamias, there is one that is very useful for those who are struggling with acne. The liquid of kamias fruit is a little acidic, thus it can be used as a natural exfoliate for your pores. it will be able to unclog your pores which causing the acne, so you would not get the acne anymore. If you already have acne, this can be used too as it can also help to heal the acne faster.

What you need to do is to cut the kamias fruit, then apply the liquid of the fruit into your skin. But remember when you apply the liquid of the kamias fruit into your skin; it may sting a little bit especially in your acne area. This is normal because of the acid content inside the liquid so you do not need to be worry. Apply the liquid of the kamias fruit all over your face or on any parts with acne, then left it for around five minutes. Do not forget that you first need to clean your face so there is no dirt left before you apply the liquid. Then you may rinse your face afterwards and apply some moisturizer if necessary to give your face more nutrient. Especially since your skin will be able to absorb more nutrient after being treated with this kamias fruit. Do this method regularly, to get the best result.

2. Diet

Even though the kamias fruit itself has very sour taste, but actually it’s very common to consume kamias fruit. You can also cook it and add it into your soup to make sure that the sour taste is reduced a little. Consuming this kamias fruit is very useful for your daily diet as it contains a lot of fiber. It will add some bulk into your stomach so you will feel fuller, thus you would not be snacking throughout the day. Additionally, this fruit also able to increase your body metabolism because of the vitamin C content which make it a great addition into your daily diet. It is also able to burn your body fat faster, thus it’s a favorite fruit to consume. Especially for those who want to lose some weight, then it’s recommended to consume kamias fruit regularly inside your meal.

3. Red lips

Some of you might experience darken lips because of aging or hyper pigmentation. But do not worry as the kamias fruit can help to make your lips become fresh looking and red once again. The vitamin A as well as vitamin C which available in this fruit is able to moist your lips and give back the beautiful fresh red color that it used to have. All you need to do is to take several kamias fruit, wash them clean and cut it into half. Then you can apply the liquid into your lips for treatment. Do this treatment at least twice in one day to get the best result. However, do not do this method if you have chapped lips since it will be very painful if you apply the liquid to the chapped lips.

4. Diabetes

Other great health benefits of kamias are very useful for those with diabetes. The acid content that this fruit has can help to reduce the sugar blood level in your body. As you know people with diabetes cannot really control the amount of sugar blood in their body. But consuming this fruit can really help to overcome this problem as it can help to lower the sugar blood level in your body. Thus you will be able to control your sugar blood easier.

What you need to do is to take six pieces of the kamias fruit then put it in a small saucepan crush the fruit using a potato crusher or spoon. Add a cup of water then boil the mixture until you have only half of them left. Strain the mixture and take the water then left it to cold. You can drink this for twice in one day to get the maximum result.

5. Body Mask

Do you know that the moisture content inside the kamias fruit is very useful to moist your entire body? All you need to do is to use the kamias fruit as body mask to moist your body skin. Take a handful of kamias fruit, then crush them using mortar and pestle or using blender. Put them in a bowl filled with warm water then mix everything evenly. Now wash your whole body until there is no dirt attached into your skin. Then apply the moisture into your body for a few minutes before rinsing it.

6. Tinea Versicolor

The cause of this disease is the growth of fungus in your skin, which make it very painful and itchy at the same time. But you should not have to worry as it’s very easy to overcome this problem by using health benefits of kamias fruit. The reason is because this fruit has anti fungus properties which is very useful to get rid of most fungus especially those on your skin.

What you need to do is to take several pieces of the kamias fruit then shredded them. Apply them to the affected skin area then left them for at least 15 minutes. You might feel a slight pain when you apply the kamias fruit into your skin especially if your skin is founded because of this disease. But bear the pain for 15 minutes then you can rinse them. The anti fungus properties that this kamias fruit has is actually strong enough so you can use it as treatment. But of course, you still need to do it regularly if you want to cure the problem all together.

7. Gum Bleed

If your gum is bleeding, then you might want to use the kamias fruit to treat it. Just eat two pieces of kamias fruit every day, then your gum would not bleed anymore.

8. Thrush

For those who have some trouble with thrush, then you can try to use health benefits of kamias to cope with this problem. Like the previous disease, this problem is also caused by fungus growth which can happen to both infant as well as adult. The yeast or fungus usually grows in mouth and any other parts of your body. It is the cause of diaper rash for infant and even yeast infection in vagina on women.

You should not have to worry since with the anti fungus properties that the kamias fruit has, it can be treated easily. However, you need to brace yourself as this method is quite painful to use. As you know the kamias is acidic fruit, thus it will cause the pain especially if the thrush already damaged your skin. To use the kamias fruit as herbal medicine for thrush, you only need to take a few pieces of kamias fruit. Then you can crush the fruit and apply directly into the affected area. It will be painful as we warned before, but you need to endure the pain for a few minutes before you rinse it. Do this method regularly every day until the thrush is healed.

9. Mumps

Some of you might get mumps because of infection that happen suddenly. It will make your gland swollen. But do not worry as you can use kamias leaves mixed with garlic to cure it. Crush them both then apply into your swollen gland to get the best result.

10. Rheumatism

If you experience rheumatism, then you might want to make use of these next health benefits of kamias. This problem is affecting your join which make it hard for you to move it because of the pain. There are many things that can cause rheumatism and you can get this problem in several parts of your body with joints. Although there are many things that you can use to treat this problem, but most of the time, this disease is treated using herbal medicine. And one of the herbal medicines that you can use to treat this rheumatism problem is the kamias plant.

To treat rheumatism, you do not need the kamias fruit from the plant, but what you need is the kamias leaves. You need to take 100 grams of the kamias leaves then add 10 pieces of cloves bud, as well as 15 granule of pepper to make the mixture. You need to crush everything so it will form smooth paste like mixture, you may want to use a blender machine to help you do this if you do not have a mortar and pestle which used to make herbal medicine. After crushing everything, then add a spoon of vinegar and mix everything evenly. Now all you need to do is to apply the mixture into the affected join to treat the rheumatism problem. You need to do this regularly every day until the problem subdue.

11. Stiff Muscle

If you experience stiff muscle, then the health benefits of kamias will be very useful for you. Stiff muscle can happen to anyone that do hard work intensively in short time. Then this can cause some pain especially on the muscle that has become stiff through the activity. Although this problem can actually heal itself, but you may want to try using the kamias plant to make the healing process faster. What you need is a handful of kamias leaves then adds a spoon of lime powder. Crush them using mortar and pestle or blender until you get smooth paste. Then you can apply this paste into your stiff muscle to help it heal faster.

12. Ordinary Cough

Cough might not be considered as serious problem. However if you often get cough, then this also means, you are often taking various medicine just to cure your cough. Even though it’s still alright, but you might want to try and using natural method to cure your cough for a change. Consuming medicine which filled with chemical will burden your body as it will need to neutralize the effect. Thus natural remedies are preferred for common disease such as cough since it can be taken often without any bad side effect.

The health benefits of kamias can really help you to treat the cough in natural way. This fruit in fact is already famous to treat cough especially for children that often gets cough every other day. As it’s made using natural ingredients, then you can surely use it to overcome your throat problem. All you need to do is to take a few fennel, three pieces of kamias fruit, as well as sugar. Crush the entire ingredients in a small bowl, and then steam them for a few hours. Strain the water, and then let it for a while until it reaches room temperature. You can drink the water twice a day as treatment for your cough in the morning as well as in the evening on an empty stomach. Do this method until your cough is cured but you can also consume the mixture every once in a while to prevent cough from attacking.

13. Whooping Cough

For more severe problem such as whooping cough, you need to make stronger mixture. All you need to do is to take 10 pieces of the kamias fruit, and then squeeze it to take the liquid. Next you need to make a salt water mixture then add two tbsp of it into the kamias fruit liquid. You can drink the mixture twice a day as treatment for your whooping cough in the morning as well as in the evening on an empty stomach. Do this method until your cough is cured.

14. Toothache

If you have toothache most of the time, it’s caused by bacterial infection in your tooth. This will cause a lot of pain so you need to treat it as soon as possible. You can try to make use of the kamias plant as treatment for this problem. What you need to do is to chew the kamias fruit or crush the fruit beforehand and apply into the tooth that is infected. Do this regularly every day until the infection is gone and the pain is no more.

15. High Blood Pressure

If you have high blood pressure problem, then you might want to use health benefits of kamias to treat this problem. Especially, since there are many component inside the kamias fruit which can reduce the level of your blood pressure. Thus you can consume the kamias fruit to lower your blood pressure when necessary.

All you need to do is to create a kamias fruit mixture that you can consume to overcome the problem. Take three pieces of the fruit and clean it thoroughly, cut the fruit into several pieces then put it into a pan. Add three cups of water into the pan and boil the mixture until only one cup of water left. Wait until the mixture is cold then strain the water. Drink this water every morning right after your breakfast until your blood pressure level is lowered.

Those are several health benefits of kamias that you can get not only from the fruit but also from the leaves as it has a lot of nutritious content.

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I personally recommend Chaga Organic Extract Powder from Lost Empire Herbs based on its superior quality and value. It promotes an overwhelming sense of vitality, positivity, wellbeing, longevity and energy and is crucial for digestive health and inflammation response.

No wonder it's called The King of Mushrooms!

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