15 Health Benefits of Rum

Wirand Reyhan

Health Benefits of Rum
I personally recommend Chaga Organic Extract Powder from Lost Empire Herbs based on its superior quality and value. It promotes an overwhelming sense of vitality, positivity, wellbeing, longevity and energy and is crucial for digestive health and inflammation response. No wonder it's called The King of Mushrooms!

The rum is an alcoholic beverage made out of the byproducts of sugarcane, native to the Caribbean and its surrounding regions, such as Mexico and Central America.

Rum is gluten free, with a combination flavour of sweet as a tribute to its sugarcane origins as well as bitter just like any other types of alcohol.

Rum’s alcohol content ranges anywhere from a minimum of 40% to a maximum of 60%. It also comes with two main types, light and dark, determined from its aging process.

In addition, rum is also commonly used in baking, ice cream and cocktails. These are some other information about rum, as well as the health benefits of rum.

Types of Rum

There are eight main types of rum, which are;

  • Light Rum – Most common type of rum containing subtle liquor, similar to vodka.
  • Gold Rum – Medium bodied rum with rich yet smooth flavour.
  • Aged Rum – Similar to gold rum by appearance, however they lack additives.
  • Dark Rum – Heavy rums normally used for punches and cocktails.
  • Over Proof Rum – Rum with high alcohol percentage of approximately 75%, used as a float in cocktails.
  • Cachaca – Brazilian style rum that has sweet taste due to the usage of pure sugar cane juice.
  • Rum Agricole – Similar to cachaca, however it originates in Martinique.
  • Flavoured Rum

Uses of Rum

Rum is one of the most multipurpose forms of alcohol around, because it has seen various culinary applications apart from consumption on its own.

These are some food items that may also see rum incorporated into their recipes;

  • Pastries and Baked Goods, such as in Cakes or Bread Fills
  • Syrup for Coffee, Tea, or Pancakes
  • Ice Cream
  • Cocktails, such as in Pina Colada and Daiquiris

Nutritional Facts of Rum

  • Serving Size – 100 g
  • Calories – 231
  • Total Fat – 0 g (0% of DV)
    • Saturated Fat – 0 g (0% of DV)
    • Polyunsaturated Fat – 0 g (0% of DV)
    • Monounsaturated Fat – 0 g (0% of DV)
  • Cholesterol – 0 mg (0% of DV)
  • Sodium – 1 mg (0% of DV)
  • Potassium – 2 mg (0% of DV)
  • Total Carbohydrate – 0 g (0% of DV)
    • Dietary Fibre – 0 g (0% of DV)
    • Sugar – 0 g
  • Protein – 0 g (0% of DV)
  • Vitamins and Minerals
    • Vitamin A – 0 %
    • Vitamin B6 – 0%
    • Vitamin B12 – 0%
    • Vitamin C – 0%
    • Calcium – 0%
    • Iron – 0%
    • Magnesium – 0%

The percentage of daily value (% of DV) above are according to a 2,000-calorie diet. The values may be different based on personal calorie needs.

What are Some of the Health Benefits of Rum?

1. Promotes Sleep

Here comes the first of fifteen health benefits of rum. Rum does a good job in working with one’s sleeping mechanism by promoting a peaceful and deep sleep, because of the calming effect rum has.

A deep sleep is necessary for everyone because aside from allowing the person to get sufficient night’s rest, it’s also when the glands secrete hormones vital for a person’s growth and development.

2. Reduces Common Cold and Flu

It is no secret that alcoholic beverages are also excellent remedies to cold and flu, and so is rum.

This is possible because rum contains antimicrobial potentials that can help anyone with cold or flu stay away from infections.

Aside from allowing one to stay away from infections, rum also warms the consumer.

3. Reduces the Risks of Gallstones

Rum is also thought to be able to minimize the risks of gallstones through moderate consumption. Gallstones are hardened deposits that go in between the gallbladder, which is located underneath the liver.

4. It is also an Anti-Inflammatory Substance

Just like most other types of alcohol, rum is also possessing anti-inflammatory properties.

Alcohol’s anti-inflammatory properties are also believed to be the primary reason why moderate drinkers suffer among the lowest rates of cardiovascular diseases.

5. Strengthens the Immune System

Again, moderate consumption of rum also helps in strengthening the immune system, according to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA).

However, one must remember that this doesn’t apply to anyone with a history of alcohol abuse.

6. Prevents the Risk of Arthritis

Rum is able to prevent the risk of arthritis the same way it’s able to prevent osteoporosis.

This is so because the minerals contained by rum promotes the strengthening of the bone minerals.

7. An Antiseptic on its Own

Rum, just like some other types of alcohol like gin or vodka, is also an antiseptic on its own right.

This is so because rum contains an alcohol percentage of 40%, which allows its usage as an emergency disinfectant.

However, it’s very important to note that rum cannot wholly replace medical antiseptic care.

8. Lowers the Possibilities of Arterial Diseases

Studies have shown that rum is also helpful in lowering the chances of arterial diseases, because it prevents the establishment of blood vessel blockage, liquifies the blood, as well as increase the concentration of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) or the good cholesterol inside the blood.

Vessel blockage is often fatal because it triggers heart attacks.

9. Prevents Alzheimer’s Disease

It turns out that moderate consumption of rum also contributes to the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease.

A report from Australia revealed that people aged more than 60 who drank moderately had 30% less chances of Alzheimer’s disease as they get older.

10. Calms Down Anxiety

Via garrywatermanpsychotherapist.com

Anxiety happens to anyone who is nervous enough in facing big or important decisions of their life.

Rum is able to calm down anxiety because it helps the secretion of hormones, which in return causes a calming effect.

Indeed, history has it that British soldiers regularly consume rum to diminish their anxiety in battling for their country.

11. Ensures Longevity

In addition to preventing Alzheimer’s disease, moderate consumption of rum also leads to an increased longevity of life.

Routine yet moderate consumption of rum is thought to be able to increase longevity by two to five years.

12. Diminishes Muscle Pain

Rum is also known to be excellent in eliminating claudication, leg cramps as well as muscle pain, all which are extremely uncomfortable and could affect daily activities.

Claudication is a condition in which leg cramps are induced by exercise because of the obstruction of the arteries and veins.

13. Free from Carbohydrates and Fat

Having made of sugarcane juice or molasses, this has made the rum to be free from carbohydrates and fat.

The nutritional facts above show that rum has 0 grams of fat as well as carbohydrates, which has made it a healthy choice of alcoholic beverage or flavouring.

14. Has Plenty Reserves of Energy

The nutritional facts above indicate that rum contains plenty of energy at 231 calories. 231 calories are approximately the same amounts of calories inside a typical pizza.

Calories are units of energy contained within food, and are manifested by the body as a reserve to uphold a healthy life.

15. Maintains Bone Density

The final of the fifteen health benefits of rum is that in addition to healing muscular cramps and pain, rum maintains bone density as well.

It increases the density of the minerals contained by the bones so that common skeletal diseases such as osteoporosis could be prevented at best.

Side Effects of Rum

Common with other types of alcoholic beverages, rum may also pose risks to the body particularly when consumed in excess. These are the notable side effects of rum.

  • Dehydration
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Indigestion
  • Heartburn
  • Cirrhosis
  • Liver disease

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I personally recommend Chaga Organic Extract Powder from Lost Empire Herbs based on its superior quality and value. It promotes an overwhelming sense of vitality, positivity, wellbeing, longevity and energy and is crucial for digestive health and inflammation response.

No wonder it's called The King of Mushrooms!

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