15 Excellent Health Benefits of Yellow Dock Root Tea


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I personally recommend Chaga Organic Extract Powder from Lost Empire Herbs based on its superior quality and value. It promotes an overwhelming sense of vitality, positivity, wellbeing, longevity and energy and is crucial for digestive health and inflammation response. No wonder it's called The King of Mushrooms!

Yellow dock is a kind of herbal plants which belong to Polygonaceae family, commonly referred to as the knotweed family. Yellow dock plant can grow up to 1.5 meters high and it grows in fields and other disturbed areas.

Talking about the nutrients of yellow dock, it contains chemicals called anthraquinones that work as stimulant laxatives. The leaves of yellow dock can be eating raw as long as it has the small quantities of oxalic acid. You can add the leaves of the yellow dock to salad, soups, or stews as well.

In addition, the seeds of yellow dock can be cooked or eaten raw while they are in brown color. At this point, the seeds can be used for medications as the decoction of it can promote detoxification and promotes the liver health.

It is known that yellow dock has an ability to reduce the inflammation as it acts as a laxative and tonic. Not only that, yellow dock is believed to be a skin treatment to relieve dermatitis, psoriasis, and other skin diseases. Surprisingly, yellow dock has also been used as a toothpaste ingredient.

Consequently, yellow dock offers a great range health benefits that you can find out below.

1. Have Antioxidant Properties

Yellow dock root tea provides a source of antioxidants to prevent the oxidative damage. Also, this is related to a study by the Department of Chemistry by Jamia Hamdard in India who stated that the root of yellow dock contains good antioxidants. In this case, it will prevent the bad cells due to free radicals damage attack the good cells in the body. Indeed, antioxidant nutrient has the powerful effects to fight against free radicals.

Then, for those who want to have the protection for the body, then having yellow dock is something that should be taken into account.

2. Source of Minerals

One of the great health benefits of yellow dock is to provide the source of minerals. This is associated with the accumulation of minerals taken from the soil into yellow dock’s roots and leaves.

As a result, yellow dock root tea has a great source of minerals such as iron in a rich amount. As a consequence, iron is the essential mineral to regulate the blood flow and prevent the risk of anemia. Thus, you need to fulfill the iron nutrient by consuming healthy foods such as red meats together with yellow dock for sure.

3. Reduces Inflammation

Due to the presence of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties in the yellow dock, then it’s valuable to reduce body inflammation or swelling. It is known that yellow dock has the ability to prevent infections related to the presence of bacteria, viruses, and other bad pathogens.

In this case, you can protect the body against certain health problems including the risk of getting disease. Indeed, adding the yellow dock to your daily meals will give you many best health results then.

4. Prevents Infection

Related with the previous statement, yellow dock provides the antibacterial properties to prevent the body infection. This benefit is very beneficial as it will give the strong protection to the body. It also prevents the risk of certain diseases including fever and dysentery. Thus, start to consume yellow dock to get the healthier life!

5. Promotes Digestive Health

Consequently, the health benefits of yellow dock include the ability to promote the work of digestion system. This is related to the presence of bitter components of certain herbs that boost the digestive enzymes.

Not only that, the yellow dock also has the content of tannins to promote the absorption process of nutrients. As a result, the nutrients taken from foods will be absorbed by the body. Then, with the god absorption, it will help you to promote the body function as well.

Besides, it’s known that yellow dock is prebiotic which has a role in promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut. Consequently, the good bacteria will support the healthy digestive health for sure.

6. Treats Constipation

Related with the previous statement, the yellow dock can help to deal with constipation. At this point, the yellow dock also has laxative effect and anthraquinones to promote the peristaltic movement of the intestines. As a result, the yellow dock will bring valuable benefits such as treating constipation and other certain gut problems.

7. Treats Fever

Another natural treatment provided by the yellow dock is the way it helps to deal with the fever. This due to the benefit of the yellow dock to have the antioxidant effects. As a result, the yellow dock can boost the immune system and relieve fever as well. Indeed, yellow dock offers the great range of health benefits, then you can add it for your healthy food options for sure.

8. Treats Diarrhea

Diarrhea is one of the common digestive problems. To treat this disease, people may like to use the guava leaves as the herbal remedy. Yet, yellow dock is something to be taken into account here. Not only for treating constipation and fever, but the yellow dock is also helpful to be a treatment for diarrhea.

In this case, the presence of tannins works well in the body to treat diarrhea. Besides, it turns out the presence of anthraquinones, including emodins have the laxative effect. As the consequence, it might be a great herbal remedy for diarrhea.

9. Treats Anemia

We cannot deny that the use of yellow dock is very beneficial to treat certain health problems. At this point, the yellow dock can help you to deal with anemia. This is due to the presence of iron nutrient in it. In addition, iron will also help to promote the blood regulation in the body. To have this kind of natural treatments, then you can combine the root of the yellow dock with alfalfa, dandelion root and burdock for dealing with anemia.

After that, you can make a decoction from those ingredients and drink one tablespoon per cup of water as the dosage recommendation. Besides, based on a study of “Herbal Medicine from the Heart of the Earth” noted that the tea made of yellow dock can relieve anemia as well as promote the iron absorption.

10. Treats Menstrual Pain

Yellow dock can help to ease the pain of menstrual symptoms. It is known that yellow dock can cure the cramps of the menstrual cycle. In addition, it will prevent the inflammation during that time. This is related to the presence of anti-inflammatory effect provided by the yellow dock.

Besides, yellow dock has the bitter components to balance the hormones in the body. As the consequence, it helps to eliminate the excess estrogen during the luteal and menstrual phases of the menstrual cycles. Therefore, women are recommended to consume yellow dock as it offers the unexpected health benefits in this case.

11. Treats Respiratory Problems

One of the health benefits of yellow dock is to cure respiratory problems. This benefit is related to the presence of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. They will protect the respiratory problem from any inflammation and infections. As a result, you can prevent the risk of respiratory problems such as asthma.

12. Prevents Disease

The next health benefits provided by the yellow dock is the ability to prevent disease. Indeed, this is related to the presence of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties contained in it.

Consequently, these components work well to prevent the free radicals damage including the risk of disease. As we know that disease is one of most chronic diseases, then it’s recommended to take yellow dock for the consumption.

In addition, you can apply the healthy lifestyle as well as consume healthy foods such as green vegetables and fruits. As a result, you will take the great step in preventing disease as well.

13. Promotes Detoxification

One of the greatest health benefits of yellow dock is the way it helps to do body detoxification. At this point, yellow dock is the great herbal that helps to promote the liver functioning. Consequently, it also helps to remover the waste products and eliminates the excess hormones as well.

Besides, this statement is also based on a study of “Herbal Medicine from the Heart of the Earth”, the tea made of yellow dock can be used to detoxify liver and remover the waste in the system of our body. Then, the removed toxins will be flushed out of the system through the urine and stool.

Therefore, by consuming yellow dock, then you can have a powerful blood cleanser and lymph cleanser for sure.

14. Boosts Immune System

As you can read above, yellow dock has shown its ability to protect the body against infection and inflammation. This is associated with the presence of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties contained in it.

By this means, yellow dock supports the work of the immune system. Then, for those who want to have the strong immunity, then you can add the healthy ingredients to your daily meals such as yellow dock and other kinds of fruits and vegetables.

15. Promotes Skin Health

Not only for treating certain diseases, but yellow dock has also shown the positive result in promoting the skin health. Based on a study of Elizabeth A. Massio and Karam F. A. Soliman published in the March 2009 issue of “Phytotherapy Research.” stated that the root of yellow dock can help to cure the age spots, psoriasis, and other skin disorders.

As a consequence, according to a study of Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry” in 2001 pointed that the antioxidant content in yellow dock root tea will help to remover the environmental toxins that may cause the skin problems.

The antioxidant content will help to reduce blemishes and acne. Thus, by using the yellow dock as the beauty treatment, then you will achieve the amazing benefits for sure.

After knowing the health benefits of yellow dock, then you can take turn to read the tips for consuming yellow dock below

Tips for Consuming

  1. You can consume all parts of yellow dock including the leaves and the seeds as they are edible. Still, to achieve the best natural treatment, then you can count on the root part for sure.
  2. Then, you can consume it as the decoction or a tea. There is also a syrup form to cure the respiratory problems. All you need is to boil the root of yellow dock and strained it. After that, mix the decoction with honey and maple syrup. Then, you can drink it as well.
  3. In addition, you should consume it in moderation as the high consumption of it may cause to vomiting, peristalsis and acute intestinal pain. Indeed, it’s better to talk with your doctor first.

As the summarizing, yellow dock is a kind of herbal plant that provides the excellent benefits. As you have read above, it will help to treat diarrhea, promote the detoxification process and boost the work of the immune system. Still, you have to consume it in moderate for getting the best health results.

Thus, if you are the one that wishes for the healthier life, then take the great step by consuming healthy foods such as yellow dock root tea.

So, stay healthy, good people!

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I personally recommend Chaga Organic Extract Powder from Lost Empire Herbs based on its superior quality and value. It promotes an overwhelming sense of vitality, positivity, wellbeing, longevity and energy and is crucial for digestive health and inflammation response.

No wonder it's called The King of Mushrooms!

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